Navigating the Shiny Universe with Golem

The golem package

In the world of R programming, Shiny applications let us make interactive web apps using R code. The golem package (Fay et al. 2021) makes it easier to develop these apps. It brings new tools and methods to this area, helping developers handle complex tasks more simply.

Making Things with Structure

Think of making a sculpture out of clay. At first, the big lump of clay can be hard to handle. golem helps developers, like sculptors, by giving them a clear framework. This means instead of dealing with a big, confusing bunch of code, developers have an organized way to work. It is like having lines drawn on the clay, showing where to shape and smooth it.

Modular Component

When I first stumbled upon the golem package for R’s Shiny applications, it was like discovering a secret garden in the world of coding. The stand-out feature for me? Its emphasis on modular coding. Let me break down why this is such a big deal.

Think of building a Shiny app like crafting a beautiful mosaic. Each piece (or module) is unique and serves a specific purpose. When you put them all together, they create a stunning picture - your final application. This modular approach is not just about aesthetics; it is about making your coding life a whole lot easier.

Why Modules Make All the Difference

  1. Organization: Breaking down the app into modules is like having a well-organized toolbox. Everything has its place, and you know exactly where to find it. It is incredibly satisfying and efficient.

  1. Teamwork Made Simple: If you are working in a team, modules are a lifesaver. Imagine each team member painting their part of a large canvas. With modules, you can work independently on different features without stepping on each other’s toes.

  1. Debugging: We have all been there - something is broken, and we have no idea where to start looking. With modular coding, it is like having a map with a big “X” marking the spot of the problem. A big simplication!

  1. Reuse and Recycle: I love this part. Created a nifty user authentication module? You can plug it into your next project without reinventing the wheel. It is like having a secret recipe you can use over and over with minor adaptations when needed.

  1. Growth Made Easy: As your app grows, you can just add new modules. It is like adding new rooms to a house. This scalability is one of most helpful feature for any developer.

  1. Testing: Testing each module separately means you can be super confident that every part of your app works perfectly before you put it all together.

  1. Newbie-Friendly: If someone new joins your project, it is much easier for them to get up to speed with a modular structure. It is like giving them a well-detailed map instead of a single, overwhelming blueprint.

A Developer’s Toolbox

golem is not just about keeping things tidy. It is like a multi-tool for Shiny developers. It helps with JavaScript and CSS, makes app settings simpler, and improves how you work. golem also manages updates in R, making sure your app stays stable even when other parts of R change.

Deployment and Documentation

Deploying a Shiny app should feel like a victory lap, not a hurdle race. golem ensures this by packaging Shiny apps in a deployment-ready format. Be it RStudio Connect,, or the containerized world of Docker, your app is prepared and primed to go live.

Now, let’s talk about something that does not always get the spotlight but is super crucial: documentation. golem knows how important this is. It is not just about coding; it is about leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for those who will follow in your footsteps. golem encourages you to document your work thoroughly. Think of it as creating a treasure map for future developers and collaborators who will join your project. Moreover, golem aligns seamlessly with the roxygen2 style of documentation, familiar to many R developers. This integration means that while you are crafting your Shiny app, you can simultaneously create comprehensive, easy-to-understand documentation. It is like having a dual toolkit - one for building your app and another for creating a clear, helpful guide for any future developer or user who ventures into your code. This approach not only saves time but also ensures that your documentation is as robust and user-friendly as the app you are building.


golem truly revolutionizes the way we handle R and Shiny applications. It is like having a GPS for the often complex journey of app development, guiding you with a structured, modular approach. This not only simplifies the process but also injects a sense of fun and creativity, much like piecing together a Lego masterpiece.

Beyond just coding, golem makes deploying apps feel like a victory lap and turns documentation into an integral, rewarding part of the development cycle. With the added bonus of a supportive community, golem is more than just a tool - it is a companion for any developer venturing into the exciting world of Shiny applications. 🚀🌟


Fay, Colin, Vincent Guyader, Sébastien Rochette, and Cervan Girard. 2021. Golem: A Framework for Robust Shiny Applications.


  1. For attribution, please cite this work as:

Oliveira T.P. (2023, Oct. 02). Navigating the Shiny Universe with Golem

  1. BibTeX citation
  author = {Oliveira, Thiago},
  title = {Navigating the Shiny Universe with Golem},
  url = {},
  year = {2023}

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Thiago de Paula Oliveira
Thiago de Paula Oliveira
Consultant Statistician

My research interests include statistical modelling, agriculture, genetics, and sports.
