
Exploring Polynomial, Fractional Polynomial, and Spline Models

The ability to accurately model and interpret complex data sets is paramount. This technical exploration delves into three sophisticated modelling techniques: Polynomial Models, Fractional Polynomials, and Spline Models. Each of these models serves as a fundamental tool in the statistical toolkit, enabling us to capture and understand the intricacies of linear and non-linear relationships inherent in real-world data.

Jan 19, 2024

Precision & Accuracy - The Role of Concordance Correlation in Research

General idea The Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) is a statistical measure designed to evaluate the agreement between two sets of measurements, such as those represented by two random variables, $X$ and $Y$.

Jan 17, 2024

How hard is it to predict COVID-19 cases?

tl;dr Many different variables affect how the pandemic progresses and it is extremely difficult to identify each one, and precisely measure them. The data we have is surely innacurate, but could be a good proxy for understanding the behaviour of the coronavirus outbreak We developed a statistical model to obtain short-term forecasts of the number of COVID-19 cases We constantly update forecasts and make all results freely available to any country in the world through a web app How many people will get infected tomorrow?

Apr 11, 2022

Analysis of non-additive genetic variance in breeding programmes
Analysis of non-additive genetic variance in breeding programmes

Developed framework for temporal and genomic analysis of additive and dominance genetic variance

Feb 10, 2022

Statistical models applied to quantitative genetics and genomics of plant breeding
Statistical models applied to quantitative genetics and genomics of plant breeding

Quantitative genetics is a field of biology studying the effect of genetic and environmental factors on quantitative traits.

Jan 10, 2020

Development and Application of Statistical Frameworks in Sports Analytics
Development and Application of Statistical Frameworks in Sports Analytics

Developed statistical frameworks for sports analytics

Apr 10, 2019

Measuring color hue in 'Sunrise Solo' papaya using a flatbed scanner
Measuring color hue in 'Sunrise Solo' papaya using a flatbed scanner

It is recommended the usage of digital image analysis to access the fruit peel color when it has non-uniform coloration.

Jan 1, 2017