Educational Pursuits



  1. Workflows with Nextflow, University of Edinburgh
  2. Introduction to Bash Shell Scripting, Coursera Project Network
  3. Genome-wide prediction of complex traits in humans, plants and animals
  4. UKRI-BBSRC Workshop on Computing in the Biosciences
  5. World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis


  1. Programming Fundamentals, Coursera, Duke University, USA.


  1. Survival Analysis in R. DataCamp, USA.
  2. Building Web Applications in R with Shiny: Case Studies Course. DataCamp, USA.
  3. Building Dashboards with shinydashboard. DataCamp, USA.
  4. Building Web Applications in R with Shiny. DataCamp, USA.
  5. Introduction to Python. DataCamp, USA.
  6. Statistical Modeling in R (Part 1). DataCamp, USA
  7. Intermediate R. DataCamp, USA
  8. Introduction to R. DataCamp, USA


  1. Machine Learning Toolbox. DataCamp, USA


  1. Longitudinal and Incomplete Data – USP


  1. Regression Models – Coursera, MOOC, USA
  2. Short curse on Dimensionality Reduction – USP
  3. Additive Generalized Models with P-splines – RBras
  4. Exploring interactive graphical interfaces in R – RBras
  5. Exploring the Flexibility of Linear Mixed Models – RBras
  6. Special Topics in Multivariate Analysis – RBras


  1. Generalized Additive Models with P-splines – USP


  1. Statistics: Making Sense of Data – Coursera, MOOC, USA
  2. Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp – Coursera, MOOC, USA
  3. Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis – USP
  4. Structural Equations Models – USP
  5. Some Important Topics of Asymptotic Theory – USP